A space where changes begin
Hello! I am glad to welcome you to alyonacoaches.com
Hi there!
I am Alyona

Using a combination of science-backed, established therapies and a variety of techniques, I will not only help you understand your current needs, biases and baselines, but also lay out a road-map to your desired outcome, all at your own pace and tailored to your personality and learning style!
From the moment you opened this page, positive changes in your life have already begun. Whether you wish to have a more successful and fulfilling work or personal life, find your purpose or build a happy relationship, you are in the right place!
The most caring, insightful, witty, creative, inspiring, deep, impactful, motivational LIFE, RELATIONSHIP AND CAREER COACH, trained in psychological counselling
My programs
Ready to embark upon a journey of deep healing and quality life transformation? Scared? Lonely? I will be with you every step of the way. Individual coaching includes weekly 1 hour sessions, art coaching exercises, home tasks, my unlimited support between sessions via messengers and extra 15 min call every week in case additional support is needed.

Individual coaching is for you, if:

  • You are ready for a quality life transformation. Understanding your difficulties, trauma or ineffective behavior patterns is not enough for you. You want to work them through and start a new life without these biases.

  • You understand, that unlearning these dysfunctional patterns and learning new and effective ones takes time and effort and you are ready to commit to it.

  • You are eager to design a life on your own terms and ready to rewire your brain for this purpose.

  • You need constant support and guidance.
Wondering what I can do for you? I can set you FREE. Free from unfulfilling job, free from toxic relationship, free from feeling lost and unworthy. Ready to unlock your true potential?

Most often I work with such requests: feeling burnout, looking for a more fulfilling career, feeling stuck, dealing with procrastination and productivity issues, dealing with anxiety and other negative emotions, relationship problems, toxic relationship with partners or parents, etc.

Main principles of my work are: confidentiality, transparency, partnership, honesty, efficiency, support, open communication.

A transformational session is a TWO hours deep work tailored to your individual needs. We will discuss your situation in details, explore it's reasons, identify solutions, understand your goals and create a full plan for your future actions. You will receive clarity you are looking for and finally meet your true authentic self!

A session can be held using any online platform like skype, zoom, Microsoft teams or whatsapp.
One-on-one transformational session
Two months individual coaching
"I was lost. I Wasn`t sure what i wanted to do as a career. Alyona helped me transform my mindset, become self-aware and get clarity on my wishes. i felt The sessions were carefully tailored specifically for me. every one of our conversations was full of genuine support and care"
Fatma, administrative assistant, Qatar
Before work: working as an administrative assistant in an office with a small baking business on the side. Feeling demotivated both in job and business. Looking for a career path to unleash true potential. Feeling burnout, lost, overwhelmed, depressed, helpless, suffering from overthinking.

After coaching: enrolled in an educational program in a new professional field, stopped smoking, fixed toxic relationship with parents. Realized, that business was only causing burnout and dropped it. Planning to quit her job within one year and move to another country. Gained clarity on her life and wishes, feels motivated and capable to achieve her goals.
Let`s talk!
Wondering if I can help you? Leave your email below and let`s talk RIGHT NOW! We will discuss your situation and I will give you free recommendations and tips on your next move. It`s confidential. I am looking forward to meeting you!
See you!