"I was lost. I Wasn`t sure what i wanted to do as a career. Alyona helped me transform my mindset, become self-aware and get clarity on my wishes. i felt The sessions were carefully tailored specifically for me. every one of our conversations was full of genuine support and care"
Before work: working as an administrative assistant in an office with a small baking business on the side. Feeling demotivated both in job and business. Looking for a career path to unleash true potential. Feeling burnout, lost, overwhelmed, depressed, helpless, suffering from overthinking.
After coaching: enrolled in an educational program in a new professional field, stopped smoking, fixed toxic relationship with parents. Realized, that business was only causing burnout and dropped it. Planning to quit her job within one year and move to another country. Gained clarity on her life and wishes, feels motivated and capable to achieve her goals.