Demo sessions

I know, that journey of finding your life coach can be challenging. Here you can discover my demo sessions to feel power of coaching and my own approach

If you want to discover the power and magic of coaching approach, check out this demo session with my client.

Coaching is all about partnership and gentle guidance. I believe, that any person has best knowledge and resource to change the whole life and achieve any goal. The role of a life coach is to help you discover this power within yourself.

Irina came with such request: "How do I go back to my teaching career after 4 years break?"

So we were working exactly with my favorite topic of life changes. We began looking towards her desired future, discovered her deep feelings and reasons.

I always say coaching is like looking for gold. First you don`t see any precious material, but you continue going deeper. Until that one special question changes situation completely...
First part of the session we were discussing, how she can go back to teaching career. But I could feel there is something else behind it. Something more deep and personal. And than the flow of session completely changed

17:25 Me: "If you start taking new education, what will you feel?"

Irina: "On one side I will be excited about this new opportunity, that it gives me. But on the other side I have this thought - oh, now I am trapped with this career only. Now I HAVE to do this"

And that's when we discovered her deep fear. She is afraid to be trapped. She is afraid to choose wrong path.

20:30 Me: "Do you really need to know, that this is what I am going to do for the rest of my life?"

Irina: "Maybe not. Maybe it's ok to change careers from time to time. Even if it's not forever, if it makes me happy now, why not?"

Magic words, isn't it? IF IT MAKES ME HAPPY NOW, WHY NOT?

Irina concluded our session like that: "I know, what will take me back. I know, how to do it. It's just me making it difficult. Changes are not scary. It's normal. It's ok, that my path is always different. And what I want is not hard to get"

That was a wonderful job with beautiful insights.
If you want to be next hero of my free demo session, DM me on my Instagram.